Last week was the first week I went without posting a blog. I also turned down a golf outing with a former colleague who is now a prospective client. My excuse? I’m too busy.
It’s true. October was a great month for my business. I have a new client ramping up and my existing clients are keeping me as busy as they ever have. And, I have a life. I have commitments to my family, friends and community that can’t be ignored.
But can I afford to say I am too busy to market myself and continue to develop new business? No.
I’m not alone. I have prospective clients tell me all of the time that they want to utilize my services but business is so busy that they can’t afford the time. And although I empathize, it’s simply not an excuse.
It’s when business is good that marketing and business development is more important than ever. It’s a time when you have the financial resources to invest in future business and for you to start filling your business development pipeline for when the current wave slows down.
The market for legal services is not a place of instant gratification. It takes time to identify the right prospective targets. It takes time to create new relationships. It takes more time to nurture those relationships until they are at a point where they are ready to buy.
Yes, it is a busy time of year and things are only going to get busier. But there are lots of ways to fit marketing and business development into your schedule. For me, I’m taking a Sunday afternoon to write a few blog posts, so I have them in reserve in the event I get too busy. And although golf is out of the question, I may at least be able to squeeze in some networking time on the 19th hole.
What’s your plan?